Steven Wilson and Vinny having a pose for the camera
Thumbs up for Hillsy
Robart Loxam ('Loxy') with a little wave
Anna Frosdick...spirit and cheer of Hobart
Mrs. Edmunds and the boyz
No leaving book for Vinny...just a shield
Joe playing 'Schools Out' on his guitar
Loxy playing the drums for 'Schools out'
Tina Lane playing the bass guitar and Mark singing 'Schools Out'
Greeny and Hillsy with other peoples glasses on
Monkey put the bottle of booze away
Che, Amy, Bec and Bridie
Hills, Greeny, Anna and Jenny
Vinny finally conquered the tree
Bec Codling getting ready for some Food
Mr. Ellis and the Boyz
Chris and Rachael (Couple of the year)
Luke Taylor 'ard at work as usual
Benny looking......
Smurf taking his own Pic
RE group all a bit cold
Claire and Michelle
Sophie and Michelle
Steve and Louise saying there good byes
Mr. King head of Y11 (would u really have thought it from this pic)
Mr. Taylor a fun, loverble, odd bloke
Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Gurney (RE teachers)
JR the head teacher
Julia and Ruth
Craig (Mr. Slow)